Have you heard of the saying that “humans are inherently social animals?” While Aristotle may have been making political commentary of his time with this statement, decades of research in psychology and neuroscience has indeed supported his stance on the matter. Social connections are not only important for our survival, but our relationships can have a major impact on our overall health and well-being. Most people have a deep desire for genuine connection – a need to feel loved, valued, and appreciated by others.
Let’s look further into the importance of connection in our lives:
Why is connection important?
Research has found that positive relationships, social support and social acceptance help shape the development of self-esteem in people across developmental ages. Moreover, social connectedness has been shown to be a significant protective factor against developing depression, alleviating symptoms of depression, as well as preventing future relapse.
The Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the longest scientific studies of happiness spanning generations, revealed that the happiest and healthiest people are those who have strong, warm connections to others. This is in part because relationships serve as “stress regulators,” which help to return the body to equilibrium after a stressful event. Often, stressful events can cause the body to exhibit a fight or flight response. We notice this response in our increased heart rate, racing thoughts, shortness of breath, and other physical or psychological symptoms. These are normal reactions to distressing events, and having good relationships with others allows us to have connections to process these events while helping us return to a more well-regulated state.
In contrast, individuals who lack meaningful relationships (or “stress regulators”) during stressful times remain in a chronic fight or flight mode. Consequently, this results in chronic stress, chronic levels of inflammation and circulating stress hormones, which negatively affect happiness and deteriorate body systems.
Connection doesn’t just boost our psychological health, but has significant benefits for our physical health. There is growing evidence that shows that social connection matters more than genetics when it comes to better health behaviors and living longer. While higher degrees of social integration is associated with lower risk of physiological dysregulation, social isolation has been linked with adverse health consequences, including hypertension, poor attentional focus, impoverished sleep, diabetes, impaired immunity and earlier mortality. Longitudinal studies highlight that social networks during adolescence and early adulthood are especially critical for health during late adulthood years.
Beyond the myriad individual benefits of connection, community belonging has been considered as an important determinant of both individual and population health. People with community support exhibit feelings of mutual respect and a deeper sense of self-esteem. They also display improved collective capacity to effectively advocate for resources necessary for building community resilience.
Why can making connections be hard sometimes?
Barriers to connection can be viewed from both personal and societal perspectives. People may struggle to form a connection or experience loneliness if they fear a sense of rejection or judgment from others, or feel less present with others. Loneliness can work as a self-fulfilling prophecy as it may allow a person to protect themselves from any perceived or anticipated danger by avoiding social interaction. Some of the avoidance behavior also could stem from attachment styles and family dynamics as well as an individual’s past experiences.
Feeling connected to others can be difficult if you attempt to become a part of something or be accepted by trying to “fit-in.” According to researcher and author Brené Brown, “fitting in” is about assessing a situation and becoming who you need to be in order to be accepted.
Belonging, on the other hand, doesn’t require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are. Belonging is about feeling valued by others and being comfortable with yourself which in effect leads to more genuine connections and relationships, whereas trying to fit-in may bring up feelings of inferiority, anxiety and discomfort.
Moreover, the ubiquitous presence of and reliance on technology has created additional barriers to connection. While use of technology, including social media can help us form connections with people with similar interests or identities, it can also fuel loneliness if it is used to replace in-person interactions or for social comparison. Limiting social interactions to technology also can impede our ability to notice social cues and reduce non-verbal communication such as eye-contact which ultimately impacts development of empathy.
Food for thought:
Tips for Cultivating Connection
Studies show that even small, seemingly meaningless encounters can lead to a sense of belonging and positivity.
Places to get started:
Harris MA, Orth U. The link between self-esteem and social relationships: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. J Pers Soc Psychol. 2020 Dec;119(6):1459-1477.
Cruwys T, Dingle GA, Haslam C, Haslam SA, Jetten J, Morton TA. Social group memberships protect against future depression, alleviate depression symptoms and prevent depression relapse. Soc Sci Med. 2013 Dec;98:179-86.
Hawkley LC, Capitanio JP. Perceived social isolation, evolutionary fitness and health outcomes: a lifespan approach. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2015 May 26;370(1669):20140114.
Yang YC, Boen C, Gerken K, Li T, Schorpp K, Harris KM. Social relationships and physiological determinants of longevity across the human life span. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Jan 19;113(3):578-83.
Brown, B. (2010). The gifts of imperfection: let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are. Center City, Minnesota, Hazelden Publishing.